How to clear out (set to 0) the rotation of a joint in Maya

You have two options to set the rotation x,y and z of a joint to zero (without affecting the world position of the rest of the joint hierarchy):

Here is a script to automatically reset the rotation of every joints inside a skeleton hierarchy without affecting the Joint Orient attributes (this will modify translation values but joint position will stay the same relative to the world)


    - Select root joint and call:
    source "clear_rotations.mel";
    This will clear joint rotations. (joint orient stay the same though)


global proc ROD_clear_rotation()
    string $selected_joints[] = get_selected_joints();
    if( size($selected_joints) != 1){
        print("Selected the root joint");

    string $root_joint = get_root_of_type($selected_joints[0], "joint");

    string $all_joints[] = `listRelatives -allDescendents -type "joint" $root_joint`;
    string $list_parents[] = {};
    for($joint in $all_joints){
        push_s($list_parents, get_parent($joint));

    int $acc = 0;
    for($joint in $all_joints){

        if($list_parents[$acc] != "")
            parent -world $joint;
        $acc += 1;

    $acc = 0;
    for($joint in $all_joints){
        if($list_parents[$acc] != "")
            xform -absolute -rotation 0 0 0 $joint;
        $acc += 1;

    $acc = 0;
    for($joint in $all_joints){
        if($list_parents[$acc] != "")
            parent $joint $list_parents[$acc];
        $acc += 1;

global proc string get_shape( string $xform )
    string $shape;
    if ( "transform" == `nodeType $xform` ) {
        string $parents[] = `listRelatives -fullPath -shapes $xform`;
        if( size($parents) > 0) {
            $shape = $parents[0];
    } else {
        // Assume it's already a shape;
        $shape = $xform;

    return $shape;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc string[] get_shapes( string $xform[] )
    string $shapes[];
    for ($node in $xform) {
        $shapes[size($shapes)] = get_shape($node);
    return $shapes;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc string[] filter_by_type( string $type, string $objects[] )
    string $new_list[];
    for ($node in $objects) {
        if( $node != ""){
            if( nodeType( $node ) == $type ){
                $new_list[size($new_list)] = $node;
    return $new_list;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// @return highest dag node above '$node' and of type '$type'
proc string get_root_of_type(string $node, string $type)
    string $longname[] = ls("-l", $node);
    string $tokens[];
    tokenize($longname[0], "|", $tokens);

    string $list[] = filter_by_type($type, $tokens);
    if( size($list) > 0 )
        return $list[0];
        return "";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc string get_parent( string $node)
    string $parent[] = `listRelatives -parent $node`;
    if( size($parent) ) {
        return $parent[0];
    } else {
        return "";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc push_s(string $array[], string $elt){ $array[ size($array) ] = $elt; }
/// Add '$elt' only if it doesn't exist in '$array'
global proc push_unique_s(string $array[], string $elt){ if( !exists_s( $array, $elt ) ){ push_s($array, $elt); } }
/// @true if '$elt' is present in '$array'
global proc int exists_s(string $array[], string $elt) { return stringArrayContains($elt, $array); }

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc string[] get_selected_joints()
    string $sel[] = `ls -selection -objectsOnly -long`;
    $sel = get_shapes($sel);
    string $list[];
    for( $i = 0; $i < size($sel); $i++ ){
        // Notice we reverse the order to garantee the active selection
        // comes first in the list
        push_unique_s($list, $sel[size($sel)-1-$i]);
    return filter_by_type("joint", $list);

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