All my notes on "curvature" (curve, surface etc.)
Introduction à l'optimization et problèmes de minimisation
OpenGL 2.1 course
Maya math node summary
How to derive the formula of the curvature of a curve
General Leibniz rule Explained
Visualizing the inverse theorem
Maxima cheat sheet
Unreal Engine C++: Skeletal Mesh doc sheet
Unreal Engine C++: FMatrix doc sheet
Unreal Engine C++: TMap doc sheet
Unreal Engine C++: TArray doc sheet
A geometric interpretation of the cross product
Learning Japanese: resources I use
Maya C++ API: create a progress window
Tensor basic definition
Introduction to Jiggle physics and related mesh deformation
Maya C++ API: write a custom Linear Blending Skinning node
[Maya Mel/Python] look up array attribute connections
.MDD file exporter / importer source code (C / C++)
Starcraft 1998 - Japanese transcript (Terran campaign)
デュアルクォータニオン スキニング チュートリアル・解説 C++
Anki: add syntax highlighting with javascript (highlight.js)
Find a tetrahedron circumcenter
Parking space in Tokyo / Japan
Mistakes to avoid when buying a car in Tokyo / Japan
COM and DirectX
Getting started with DirectX 11
Unreal Engine C++: Event, Dispatch, Delegates etc.
An alternative explanation to the obscure unreal doc. (first draft, some parts missing)
Curvature of a Distance field / Implicit surface
Curvature of a parametric curve
[Maya C++] add control curve/spline attribute
Allow user to customize a 2D curve (spline etc.) to control some parameters such as color, grading and more.
Cyclic Coordinate Descent Inverse Kynematic (CCD IK)
SPI personality test - SPI性格検査・SPI模擬テスト・SPI問題集
Sample questions for the SPI personality test which is very popular in Job interviews (questions related to logic, language etc. are not present)
[Maya] Efficient Maya development environment
How to setup your IDE so that clicking 'build' allows you to test and run your Maya plugin without extra steps or application restart.
Avoid SVD to compute optimal rotation between point sets
Draft note
Compute Bi-harmonic weights over a triangular mesh
Definition: Laplacian Matrix for triangle meshes
[Maya C++ API] paint weights with MPxDeformerNode
Distributing Maya plugins
How to compute accurate vertex normals on irregular triangle meshes
Polar decomposition of a 3x3 matrix
Leaving [ C++ code ] to decompose a 3x3 matrix into rotation and scale/shear with polar decomposition.
Diffusing / smoothing weight map over a triangular mesh.
Showcasing simple procedures with C++ code to smooth / diffuse per vertex weights over a triangle mesh.
Normal to an implicit surface
Implicit surface a.k.a (signed) distance field: definition
If I say "implicit surface" you may think of metaballs and marching cube, I'll show you there is more to it!
Phong illumination model (cheat sheet)
I summarize the Phong illumination model with the above equation and explain all the terms one by one.
Anki tip, inserting furigana (pop up on mouse hover)
How to make furigana appear above Kanjis in your anki flash cards like this: お箸上手ですね!
Learning japanese: a life's journey
Learning a language is quite a challenge, here I will gather some resources and thoughts about learning Japanese.
MAYA_SHELF_PATH not working, empty Maya shelves
[Maya C++ API] Get selected vertices of a mesh
[Maya C++ API] Set skinning weight attributes
Some C++ Maya API code to set skin weights (multi attributes) of a skin cluster node.
Dual Quaternion Skinning with scale
DQS with scale applied on the second to last joint. Left, globally propagates until the last bone, right, scale localized to each joint.
Skeletal animation, forward kinematic
Maya MEL commands and procedures
Transforming implicit surface (distance field) and their gradient
[Maya C++ API] Save MPxData attribute on file
[Maya C++ API] Unable to unload plugin in Maya
Bulge free Dual Quaternion Skinning (Trick)
Left: standard DQS. Right DQS bulge correction (both use same automatic skin weight: "smooth bind" inside Maya).
[Maya C++ API] Per vertex color update in MPxDeformerNode
Code snippet in C++ to be able to update the color of a mesh with Maya API on a per vertex basis.
MAYA MEL wait for idle events/evalDeferred to finish
A trick to pause the script until evalDeferred / scriptJob / idle are executed.
Laplacian smoothing (C++ code to smooth a mesh)
Dropping a procedure to compute the Laplacian smoothing of a 3D mesh (with cotangent weights).
C++ code for cotangent weights over a triangular mesh
Transform normals given a deformation map
Blender 2.5 - 2.7 tutorial to animate a cylinder
Maya summary
Summary of elementary Maya feature.
Gradient rules
Cheat sheet to differentiate expressions with the \( \nabla \) operator to compute gradients of various functions.
Design of a simple sphere deformer to displace a mesh model
Elastic Implicit Skinning: a Robust Iso-Surface Tracking for Interactive Character Skinning
2D biharmonic stencil a.k.a bilaplacian operator
Draft / notes / memo
Voro++.0.4.5 with cmake for easy compilation under windows
Dropping my code of the [ cmake version of voro++0.4.5 ]. It helped me to compile the voro++ library under windows with cmake.
Harmonic function: definitions and properties
AnkiDroid: How to solve "Syncing error, type: 409, message: Conflict" problem
I ran into the infamous message "Syncing error, type: 409, message: Conflict" while syncing my AnkiDroid with AnkiWeb on my Nexus 4. Here is the solution:
Contour lines
How to generate bounded harmonic weights on a regular grid
Singular value decomposition of a 2x2 matrix (C++ code)
Dropping some [ code here] to do a singular value decomposition (SVD) of a 2 by 2 real matrix.
Source code for poisson disk sampling of a triangle mesh
3D viewer for Hermite Radial Basis Function
This is a simple demonstrator of the HRBF technique presented and explained here. You can visualize and edit the implicit surface generated with HRBF.
Curvature of a triangle mesh, definition and computation.
Defining and giving the formula to compute the curvature over a triangle mesh at some vertices.
C++ code for spline curves
Implicit Skinning: Real-Time Skin Deformation with Contact Modeling
Dual Quaternions skinning tutorial and C++ codes
Convert implicit surface defined with global support to compact support
Trackball C++ code without quaternions
Compute Harmonic weights on a triangular mesh
Building a new culture of teaching and learning
Theories around alternative systems for teaching and learning
Recipe for implicit surface reconstruction with HRBF
C++ code to emulate openGL old direct mode drawing
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glEnd();
[ compact version ] | [ modular version ]
Remember the old days when you were able to simply draw a few primitives with GL_POINTS, GL_LINES or GL_QUADS within a pair of good old begin() end(). Well I'm providing a C++ class which will enable you to do this again under OpenGL 3.1 or higher.
C code for 4x4 matrix inversion
Just leaving some code here to invert either column or row major 4x4 matrices.
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