Starcraft 1998 - Japanese transcript (Terran campaign)

Welcome to this English and Japanese transcript of the "StarCraft® 1998" campaign (property of Blizzard Entertainment®). This work won't include "StarCraft®: Brood War®" transcript, since it was not localized to Japan and I'm using the original version (as opposed to the remaster).
When I started to learn Japanese I tried to look for content I used to enjoy in my teenage years. This transcript is what I whish I had found at that time. I believe language learning is much more efficient with content you like and so I hope this will help my fellow "Starcraft loving weebs" out there :p
This will only cover the Terran campaign, if I ever find the time and energy Protoss and Zerg campaign are left to do. I did write down their raw transcripts but it stills needs proper html formatting and be matched with the english transcript as well as adding furigana and kanji explanations... Only the Japanese voice over is present (except for the first 2 missions, audio file names still need to be matched for the rest). Keep in mind these are transcripts from the game, and not a literal translation. It is likely that Blizzard derived the Japanese from the English version with the goal to preserve intent, not accuracy. So this won't be a 1 to 1 mapping. If you want to contribute (add campaigns, fix typos, add voice over or a language etc.), here is the git repository.
The journey
God it took me quite some time to publish that project, I had that idea back in 2015 and bought the Japanese version of Starcraft in some game shop in Tokyo Akihabara. I started to play the game and quickly realized that the Japanese dialogues in it were just out of my league. As I was playing the game I suddenly wished I had the English transcript alongside... I also wanted to quickly find out the kanjis' pronunciation in realtime by hovering my mouse, just like I would do in my browser with rikaichan extension. So the journey began, and it took me so long to extract the dialogues and then format it properly with a somewhat decent css theme and Javascript to process everything. I would take lengthy breaks or give up for months or years... But here it is!
The following content, story, dialogues, audio, media, art, etc are all the sole propriety
of Blizzard Entertainment®.
I am not affiliated with Blizzard in any way, shape or form.
This is purely made out of love for the game.
I'm invoking the fair use exception for this work.
That being said I highly encourage you retribute the source material by buying the remastered version of the game which is an awesome piece of history in addition to be a top notch game. I personally own many of Blizzard's games including StarCraft®, StarCraft®: Brood War® and their remastered version. Although this endeavor took an enormous amount of time, since the source material is not my property and this is a non-profit project, do not attempt to donate to me or reward me in any financial way for this work in particular.
Blizzard Entertainment®
- English Walkthrough (remastered version)
- English Walkthrough (original version)
- japanese walkthrough
- Alternate japanese walkthrough
- Read Japanese with Final Fantasy 9
- FF9 transcripts
- FF7 anki deck (git hub provides raw spreadsheets data)
Terran Campaign: "rebel yell"
Boot camp
Mission Briefing
The following happens when no action is taken
Mission Start
After making SCV
After supply depot construction
After Refinery construction
When moving marines far from base
After gathering 100 Vespene Gas
Mission Briefing
Mission Start
After meeting James Raynor
New objectives
After building a Barracks
Marine counter activated
Backwater station
Mission Briefing
Mission Start
Bring unit to Zerg colony
Bring unit to bunker and rescue base
Bring unit to rescue Command Center
Bring unit to Infested Command Center
After destroying Infested Command Center
In case of failure
Desperate alliance
Mission Briefing
やあ、司法官。 私の名はアルクトゥルス・メンスク。 「コーハルの息子達」のリーダーだ。 連邦同盟軍の奴らが私たちのグループをどう呼んでいるかはご存じだろう。 しかし、今までの君の行動から判断して、私は君がもっと頭の良い人間だと思っている。 ひとつところで活動するというのは私たちの習慣ではないのだが、 奴ら…ザーグどもは待つことすらしないようだな。司法官、取引がしたい。 今から、そちらに輸送船を降ろそう。生存者を乗せるといい。

Mission Start
10 minutes remaining
5 minutes remaining
1 minutes remaining
Time's up
The Jacobs installation
Mission Briefing
よう。アルクトゥルスの部下達に助けてもらったんだ。 オレ達と一緒でやつらも連邦同盟軍のやってることに、いやになってるんだ。 やつらの評判がどんなものかは知ってるが、 十分公平な立場でいると思っている。 アルクトゥルスが話をしたいらしい。
司令官、マー・サラはほとんど ザーグに占領されてしまったな。 連邦同盟軍はこの惑星を見捨てたようだ。 我々もそのつもりだが。 しかし、ここを去る前に1つやっておきたいことがあるのだ。

Mission Start
Bring unit to Teleporter Sector 5
Bring unit near security camera computer
Bring unit to security camera computer
Bring unit to Teleporter Sector 6
Bring unit to defense system computer
Bring unit near cell lock
Bring unit to cell lock
Bring unit to cell containing Zerglings
Bring unit to Teleporter Sector 1
Bring unit to Sector 1
Bring unit to main computer
Mission End
Mission Briefing
Mission Start
Meeting with Kerrigan
Bring unit to enemy turrets
Bring unit near Antigan base
Bring Kerrigan to Antigan Command Center
Mission Briefing
Mission Start
Arrived at the base
Beginning of the mission
Bring Raynor and 2 dropships to Norad II
The trump card
Mission Briefing
ザーグが連邦同盟軍によって開発された秘密兵器だと言っているのだ。 連邦同盟軍は、あなたたちを兵器実験の対象にしたんだ!

Mission start
After transporting the Psi Emitter to enemy base
The big push
Mission Briefing
Mission Start
Bring unit to landing area
Acquire Nuclear Silo
After wipe out the Confederate forces
Bonus (left over data that never gets triggered while playing)
New Gettysburg
Mission Briefing
Mission Start
なんでこんなことをするんだ?きみの過去は 知ってる。噂で聞いたからな。ザーグの実験に 使われていて、それをメンスクが助けたことも 知ってるよ。でも、そこまでする必要があるの か?オレだって何度も危ないところを助け…。
ジミー、白馬の王子様を気取ってるの? それも似合うかもしれないけど、今は…今は ダメよ。助けてくれなくてもいいの。自分のしてる ことはわかってるわ。プロトスはザーグだけじゃ なくて、この惑星全てを破壊するつもりなのよ。 なぜかって…ただ、わかるのよ。ほら、私は ゴーストでしょ?プロトスをなんとかできたら、 ザーグのこともどうにかなると思うの。 アルクトゥルスがなんとかしてくれるわ…絶対にね。
After destroying the Protoss forces
The hammer falls
Mission Briefing
Mission Start
One comment
This is a test
test - 04/02/2024 -- 12:44