Unreal Engine C++: TArray doc sheet

Cheat sheet to unreal's TArray and equivalence with std::vector.


std::vector<T> TArray<T>
Initialize with a specific value std::vector<T> second( /*nb elements:*/ 4, /*value: */ 100 ) .Init( /*value: */ 100, /*nb elements: */ 4 )
Create a new element
(at the end of the vector/TArray)
.push_back() .Add()
Number of elements .size() .Num()
Allocated memory
(in terms of number of elements)
.capacity() .Max()
Raw pointer to the array .data() .GetData()
Get last element
.back() .Last()
Get first element .front() my_array[0]
(no better equivalent)
Check (size == 0) / (Num == 0)
.empty() .IsEmpty()
Set number of elements to 0
.clear() /*capacity unchanged*/ .Empty(my_array.Max())
Set number of elements to 0
.clear() my_vec.swap(std::vector<T>()) .Empty()
Resize and fill
(with default constructor T())
.resize(int size) .SetNum(int size);
Pre-allocate memory
(without changing actual size)
.reserve(int size) .Reserve(int size)


std::vector<T> TArray<T>
Create a new element
at the end, use default constructor T()
.push_back( T() ) .AddDefaulted(/*Size:*/1)
Remove element at: int index; .vec.erase(vec.begin() + (int)index) .RemoveAt(int index)
Check index is within bounds:
0 <= index < size()/Num()
index >= 0 && index < vec.size() .IsValidIndex(int index)
Set num elements to 0
Pre-allocate memory
.clear() .resize(int size) .Reset(int size)
std::transform( inVec.begin(), inVec.end(), std::back_inserter(outVec), lambdaFunction ); Algo::Transform( inTArray, outTArray, lambdaFunction );


#include <algorithm>
std::vector<T> vec; 
typedef std::vector<T>::iterator it;
T item;
it = std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), item);

if( it != vec.end() ){
#include "Containers/Array.h"
TArray<T> array;
int32 index;
T item;
if( array.find(itm, index) )
    // found at 
    item == array[index];


Find max

const TArray<float>& floatList;
float maxValue = 0.f;
if (const float* maxValuePtr = Algo::MaxElement(floatList))
    maxValue = FMath::Clamp(*maxValuePtr, 0.f, 1.f);

TArray<SomeStruct> myArray;
const SomeStruct* maxEltPtr = Algo::MaxElementBy(
    myArray, [](const SomeStruct& info) { return info.getMember(); }

float maxValue = (nullptr != maxEltPtr) ? *maxEltPtr : /*default value:*/ -1.0f;

TArray<float> myArray;
float maxValue = TNumericLimits<float>::Lowest();
for(int32 i = 0; i < myArray.Num(); ++i)
    maxValue = FMath::Max(myArray[i], maxValue);

if(myArray.Num() != 0){
    // Found

Code sample

    // []
    TArray<float> my_array;
    std::vector<float> my_vector;

    // ------------------------------------
    // Add/Push elements to the last entry
    // ------------------------------------
    // std::vector<>::push_back() <=> TArray<>::Add(), TArray<>::Push()
    // {1.0f}
    my_array.Add(1.0f); // Num=1; Max=4
    my_vector.push_back(1.0f); // size=1; capacity=1	

    // {1.0f, 2.0f}
    my_array.Add(2.0f); // Num=2
    my_vector.push_back(2.0f); // size=2

    // {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}
    my_array.Push(3.0f); // Alias to my_array.Add(3.0f);

    // std::vector<>::size() <=> TArray<>::Num()

    int32 size_a = my_array.Num(); // size_a = 3
    size_t size_v = my_vector.size(); // size_v = 3

    // std::vector<>::capacity() <=> TArray<>::Max()

    int32 unreal_max = my_array.Max(); // unreal_max = 4
    size_t std_capacity = my_vector.capacity(); // std_capacity = 3

    // ----------------------------
    // Get raw pointer to the array
    // ----------------------------
    // std::vector<>::data() <=> TArray<>::GetData()

    float* raw0 = my_array.GetData();
    float* raw1 = my_vector.data();		

    // Get last element (index: 2, value: 3.0f)

    // std::vector<>::back() <=> TArray<>::Last(), TArray<>::Top()

    float elt2 = my_array.Last(); // elt2 = 3.0f 
    elt2 = my_array.Top(); // elt2_ = 3.0f 
    float elt2_ = my_vector.back(); // elt2_ = 3.0f 

    // Get first element (index: 0, value: 1.0f)

    // std::vector<>::front() <=> TArray<>::[0], *TArray<>::begin()

    float elt0_ = my_vector.front(); // elt0_ = 1.0f 
    // no equivalent of the above
    float elt0 = my_array[0]; // elt0 = 1.0f 
    elt0 = *(my_array.begin()); // elt0 = 1.0f 

    // []
    TArray<float> my_array = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}; // Num=3
    std::vector<float> my_vector = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f }; // size=3; capacity=3

    //todo: my_array.Reset()
    my_array.Empty(); // Num=0; Max=0
    my_vector.clear(); // size=0; capacity=3

    bool s0 = my_array.IsEmpty(); // true
    bool s1 = my_vector.empty(); // true


 Resizing and reserving memory:	

struct Stuff {
    int a = -2;

    // Initialize and fill with default constructor T() of the container:

    std::vector<Stuff> my_vector(10);
    // note: TArray<float> my_array(10); not available in unreal
    // instead we use:
    TArray<Stuff> my_array; 
    // or perhaps alternatively: my_array.Init(Stuff(), 10); // ??


    // Resize and fill with default constructor T() of the container:		
    my_vector.resize(30); // Num=30;
    my_array.SetNum(30); // size=30	

     Resizing and reserving memory:
     (unreal only features)

    // Specific to unreal				
    TArray<Stuff> my_array;
    my_array.AddDefaulted(2);     // {Stuff.a = -2, Stuff.a = -2 } same as std::vector<float> my_vector(2);
    my_array.AddUninitialized(2); // {Stuff.a = 'random value in memory', Stuff.a = 'rand val as well' }
    my_array.AddZeroed(2);        // {Stuff.a = 0, Stuff.a = 0 } sets memory to zero

    my_array.SetNumZeroed(4); // Zero out only *new* elements

Original Doc table of content:


TArray<> API reference

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