Simple animation smoothing algorithm
An easy trick to smooth animation keyframes - 06/2023 - #Jumble
Consider the previous and next keyframe, do a linear interpolation to create an "intermediate" keyframe. Then do a linear interpolation between this newly created keyframe and the existing keyframe in the middle (or replace it altogether)
t = (pose.secs - prevPose.secs) / (nextPose.secs - prevPose.secs); lerpPose = Lerp(prevPose, nextPose, t); res= Lerp(pose, lerpPose, smoothStrength);
A more detailed version:
for (int j = 0; j < nb_smoothing_iterarions; ++j) { Animation<SkeletonPose> smoothed = new Animation<SkeletonPose>(); smoothed.keys.Add(_cooked.keys[0]); for (int i = 1; i < _cooked.keys.Count - 1; ++i) { SkeletonPose previousPose = _cooked.keys[i - 1]; SkeletonPose current = _cooked.keys[i]; SkeletonPose nextPose = _cooked.keys[i + 1]; float parameter = (current.seconds - previousPose.seconds) / (nextPose.seconds - previousPose.seconds); // Lerp every joint transformations inside the pose // Works best when the skeleton uses quaternions: SkeletonPose predictedPose = previousPose.Lerp(nextPose, parameter); smoothed.keys.Add(current.Lerp(predictedPose, smoothingAmount)); } smoothed.keys.Add(_cooked.keys[_cooked.keys.Count - 1]); _cooked = smoothed; }
Better smoothing algorithms exists such as Savitsky-Golay filters, however, they are way more involved.

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