[Deformer Graph] notes

You can find example of the Deformer Graph in the "content examples" UE project. In particular the map Maps/Animation_Deformer demonstrate:

- a lattice deformer
- dual quaternion skinning
- linear blending skinning
- and delta mush deformer.

To understand how the scene is setup in the content example refer to this Epic's tutorial on deformers, which explains how the sequencer is used. You'll find that the control rig /ExampleContent/AnimationDeformer/AnimBlueprints/CR_LatticeDeformerDemo is enabled and disabled via the sequence asset LS_LatticeDeformerDemo. Though I personally find text tutorial more efficient to learn, there is a video tutorial on setting up deformers with control rigs and sequencer more or less equivalent to it.

More content and assets

One way to find more assets and examples about the deformer graph is to make sure in the content browser of UE's editor you check, Show Engine Content and Show Plugin Content

This will allow you to access the plugins assets easily. Make sure to enable the Deformer Graph or the Animator Kit plugins under Edit/plugins. These contained valuable examples of deformer graphs and control rigs

- /All/EngineData/Plugins/AnimatorKit Content
- /All/EngineData/Plugins/DeformerGraph Content

Content Summary

Other notes

My other posts on the topic:

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